
Home Automation
Status: Active (2024 — now)
TL;DR: A small utility which logs MQTT messages into a SQLite DB table.

I use MQTT heavily within my Home Automation journey, but sometimes I want to chart and log the state of devices, such as their battery levels or the last time a device was seen. This single-file utility aims to make that easy, by connecting to the MQTT bus and listening to configured topics. When a message comes in for one of those topics, it uses a set of rules to parse the message into a structured row and dumps the result into a table.

mqtt2sqlite.rb is configured through a single TOML file, and has two parts to this configuration:

The “tables” section details the structure of the available tables within SQLite and acts as a migration guide for the tool, and a documentation aid for the rest of the configuration. A column within a table can be marked as a “generated” column which makes it easy to expose, for example, Fahrenheit temperatures for a sensor that measures in Celsius, without requiring the querying end user to know about needing to do the conversion on their own.

The “subscriptions” section lists entries with the MQTT topic to listen to for new messages, the destination table for any rows that the subscription produces, an optional filter which can act on the topic or the message payload, and a set of columns which dictates how a message’s payload is parsed into a row for the destination table.

This arraignment allows mqtt2sqlite.rb to write messages from one topic to multiple tables (through multiple subscription entries in the config that set different filter options for each entry) or multiple topics to a single table, providing a wide range of flexibility.

The use of a regex filter against the topic works well when used in combination with wildcard subscriptions, and a JSONPath filter works well to avoid rows that are all null values if a device publishes a variety of JSON payload structures.

Columns can make use of the same regex and JSONPath expressions to extract values, or be set to a static value which comes in handy when a table might be getting populated by multiple topics.
